Everyone’s view of the world is their own perspective, right? Our perspective is shaped from our own trials, errors and life-experience.
Based on your thinking, you are either an unhappy divorcee yourself or have seen other people fall into this “trap”. Maybe it didn’t work well for yourself or the folks in your network … but, I am not you or the folks in your network. Based on your thinking, again, I can very easily predict what would happen to you or the folks in your network. The way you see the world, is not in fact how it “is”. That is flawed thinking.
And, if I’ve learned anything at all, our perspective dictates our future. You think small, you live small. And, Richard, I have to admit that your thinking is … quite small.
I’m 30 years old, financially secure, am traveling the world full time, and am madly in love with my life. My permanent residence is in a beautiful and open-minded city, where the average age of marriage is well over the number of years I’ve existed on this planet.
What’s more important, though — and what you’re very apparently missing — is that marriage is not and should not ever be the goal. Hell, partnership shouldn’t be, either. What should be the goal: being so happy with yourself, that you don’t need to settle for a relationship you don’t love. And when you’re so madly in love with your solo life and yourself, really beautiful things happen. I say this, because I’ve experienced it in the past year. While I’ve dealt with a lot of really hard things, I fucking love my life. And I didn’t before.
I’m not writing this to prove anything. I have nothing to prove. I’m writing this because I don’t want other people to think this way or live this way. Because this mindset is not conducive to a happy or abundant life.
I truly hope you can find it within you to change your tune for your sake and the people around you.